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WNPJ Sign on Letter - by May 8th

Updated: Apr 28, 2023

There are moments in time when horrible acts of violence can be turned into nonviolent actions towards justice. This is such a moment. As we learned of the Israeli settler attack on our WNPJ member and friend, Cassandra Dixon, we were also made aware of the mistreatment of the Palestinians, mostly children, living in Masafer Yatta, the South Hebron Hills region of the occupied West Bank.

Senator Tammy Baldwin took swift action and contacted the State Department urging investigation and consequences to the settler who harmed Cassandra. We applaud her efforts, and with this sign on letter, we thank her and ask her to continue to seek justice.

It is our hope that our united voices will demonstrate that eyes are on what is happening there and that we are weary of United States dollars being used in support of an apartheid system.

Please sign on to this letter to Senator Baldwin and urge your members and friends to do the same. We would like to send this to her by April 17th. Please make your best effort to reach as many people a possible.

Thank you for all you do.

Questions? Contact the Wisconsin Network for Peace and Justice at



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