Environmental Justice
The WNPJ Environmental Justice Task Force works to increase awareness and build connections among people and groups in Wisconsin to bring marginalized and frontline voices, understandings, and experiences to the forefront.
We meet on the second Tuesday of the month at 2pm CT. If you are interested in joining, please contact Dena Eakles: dena.eakles@gmail.com
Upcoming Events
1854 Treaty Day
Join us on Moningwaane’akaaning Minis - Madeline Island - for the 170th gathering to celebrate the 1854 Treaty.
Sunday, September 29 – Traditional Lacrosse Challenge
Monday, September 30 – 1854 Treaty Day Commemoration
CLICK HERE for updates!
Grant Opportunity
Tides Foundation has announced the Request for Proposals (RFP) for the Frontline Justice Fund’s Fall 2024 grantmaking cycle. Applicants will be able to view the RFP on the Frontline Justice Fund and JustFund websites on September 5, 2024 and proposals must be received by 9/26/2024, 9pm ET. For the Fall 2024 grantmaking cycle, the Frontline Justice Fund will grant up to a total of $2M and anticipate grant amounts will fall in the range of $25k-$150k. Proposals should be submitted through the JustFund common proposal format. Grantees must first create a JustFund user account to respond to the RFP.
By directing funding to frontline communities who are using legal and regulatory advocacy to address environmental degradation and injustice, we aim to create durable and impactful systemic change so that all can thrive.
For questions about how to submit your proposal, please refer to JustFund's Help Center or contact: grants@justfund.us. On September 19th, JustFund will host a webinar training for new applicants at 1pm Pacific/4pm Eastern. Please register here.
Take Action
Member group WI for Environmental Justice is comprised of concerned citizens dedicated to seeking accountability for climate change in WI.
This year they are working with other partners and organizations in WI to build grassroots support for holding the fossil fuel industry liable for deception regarding the climate crisis in WI.
To learn more about their initiative and sign the petition CLICK HERE!
Wisconsin Transit Riders Alliance advocates for public transit in Wisconsin. Transportation would not be the #1 source of greenhouse gases if people had access to more public transportation. Additionally, transportation costs would not be such a large part of an average household’s budget. Please consider signing a request that Governor Evers proclaim Sept. 30 – Oct. 6, 2024 "A Week Without Driving".
If you can drive or afford a car, you may not understand what it’s like to rely on walking, rolling, transit and asking for rides. But for nearly a third of people living in Wisconsin – people with disabilities, young people, seniors, people who can’t afford cars or gas or prefer not to drive – this is our every day.
A Week Without Driving is a challenge to learn firsthand about the barriers and challenges that nondrivers face in hopes of creating more accessible communities for all. WWD is a new challenge put on by America Walks that we are promoting. Wisconsinites could come together to advocate for more transportation options in their local communities.
CLICK HERE to stay updated!
Past Events
Raising Awareness About Line 5
On Thursday, May 2, 2024 WNPJ hosted a presentation on Line 5 – a space to learn more about the Line 5 pipeline, the risks it poses, and actions that can be taken to raise awareness.
WNPJ Spring Assembly
On Saturday, May 18, 2024 WNPJ held our annual Spring Assembly with the theme "Environmental Justice - Confronting Extreme Extraction and Ending Resource Wars on Indigenous and Frontline People".
CLICK HERE for highlights!
NTEC & Dairyland: Making the Connection
On May 23, WNPJ and Sierra Club - WI Chapter cohosted a virtual event to learn about the connection between the proposed Nemadji Trail Energy Center gas plant in Superior, WI and Dairyland Power Cooperative in Western WI.
CLICK HERE to watch the recording!
Rally to Stop NTEC
On June 5th, WNPJ, Echo Valley Hope, and Sierra Club WI gathered to rally outside of the Dairyland Power Cooperative's annual meeting and demand clean energy rather than fossil fuels! Dairyland Power Cooperative is proposing to build a large fossil gas plant in Superior, Wisconsin - a costly, polluting proposal that Superior does not want.
CLICK HERE to watch some highlights!
Line 5 Public Input Hearing
On June 4th, hundreds of people gathered in Ashland for the U.S. Army Corps’ public input hearing, and throughout eight hours of testimony, our voices prevailed: Reject the permit for Enbridge’s Line 5 expansion! As Robert Houle, Bad River Band Tribal Council member, said during Tuesday’s press conference; “With [Enbridge’s] deep pockets, they’ll do everything they can to get their way. They promise the sun, the moon and the stars. They promise new jobs and money – but we need clean air and clean water.”
CLICK HERE to watch the recordings and CLICK HERE to read a reflection and statement by Dena Eakles.