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Catch up on Building Unity events in May, June and July


Updated: May 16, 2023

ALL Peoples Summit will be on July 22 (Details are TBD) Planning Mtgs Tuesdays at 7pm - Drop in anytime. More info below.

BU - Update: 5/9/23 Greetings Friends of Justice, Sustainable Living, Democracy, and Peace, This is a very critical time to build momentum for the unity movement of our dreams. Please print and share our “Flier for All of Us!” (6/page to save paper and ink.) More below about the Campaign for Love, Unity, & Equity below. As you join the events in this flier or others, let people know about the “All People’s Justice Summit” on July 22. Also, you can help pick the location and the format of this historic event by joining our planning meetings on Tuesday eventings at 7pm via Zoom. Same link for all BU meetings - listed below. In the meantime, we will be supporting the Youth Building Unity Summit in Madison on 5/20, supporting the Creation Water Walk along Lake Michigan over Memorial Day Weekend, celebrating Juneteenth weekend wherever we can, and building unity at the MREA Energy Fair. We might even show up at some major state party conventions (more about that below). Please let us know if there is an event in the coming months that your groups would like us to list in the Campaign for Love, Unity, & Equity Timeline. Also, if you are on Facebook or other social media, please share the events below. Lastly, we need help! Building Unity is currently running on fumes and we need our faithful friends to come through a bit at this time. Please give what you can so that we can do even more to build the unity that Wisconsin needs now. Your tax-deductible contribution can be made by sending a check or by using PayPal to direct funds to our fiscal sponsor. More information here:

May 14, 2023 Happy Mothers Day! - May it be, as it was meant to be… a day calling for PEACE! Read more here: *** One of the four foundational pillars of the Building Unity Movement is PEACE. To help promote peace in a consistent way in the coming months, we have added this link on our “Flier for All of Us:” If you are ware of a peace event that you like to add to this document, please call Building Unity at 608-630-3633.

For information about the Building Unity “Care-avan” that will be coming to the above event from Janesville and Madison, go here: Facebook Event: RSVP to be a part of our “Care-avan” from Janesville or Madison.

May 20, 2023 Attention Young Change-Makers: On May 20, Youth Building Unity will hold an all-day statewide summit! Facebook Event:

May 21, 2023

Join us at WORTstock at Werner Park in Madison, WI !

May 27-29, 2023: BU will support the Creation Water Walk! Facebook Event:

June 2 - 8, 2023

Building CommUNITY on Rock Island!

Join us for any portion of a week on Rock Island - One of Wisconsin’s State Park situated off the tip of Door County. You must be a mostly self sufficient primitive camper. To learn more about this unique opportunity to build community on an island where there are no cars, go here:

Save the Date: June 10 - 11 Wisconsin State Democratic Convention - At the Oneida Casino/Raddison Hotel in Green Bay, WI. While we are not entirely sure how Building Unity will participate in this gathering, we hope to be there to share our important call for peace, justice, sustainability, and Democracy.

Save the Date: June 16 - 18 Wisconsin State Republican Convention - At the La Crosse Center in La Crosse, WI. While we are not entirely sure how Building Unity will participate in this gathering, we hope to be there to share our important call for peace, justice, sustainability, and Democracy

What is the Question? When is the Time? Who will do the work?

It is time for all of us to “Get a CLUE!” Learn more about Building Unity’s Campaign for Love, Unity, & Equity by going here: Check it out: One simple “Flier for All of Us” - building momentum this spring and summer towards an All People’s Justice Summit July 22, 2023 - Location to be determined!

Please view, print, and share this frequently updated six-to-a-page double-sided C.L.U.E Flier: - a “Flier for All of Us” wherever you can. If your group would like to be an official partner in this campaign or simply add your information to this flier, please call Building Unity at 608-630-3633. Current version of the C.L.U.E. flier: (front of flier) Campaign for Love, Unity, and Equity (CLUE) A Movement for All People – Now is the Time! Please share this frequently updated “flier for all of us” Help build one united statewide movement for:

  • Nonviolence/World Peace/Demilitarization

  • Climate/Ecological Sanity

  • Democracy Not Run by Money

  • Abortion Rights, Body Autonomy

  • Equity and Justice for All People

  • Compassionate, Restorative Justice

  • Human Rights, Needs, & Safety – Not Corporate Greed

Info: 608-630-3633 or (back of flier) Building Unity & Momentum for the Campaign for Love, Unity, and Equity (C.L.U.E.): Add your group’s info/link to this flier: 608-630-3633

Our next meetings: Same Zoom link for all of our meetings: Meeting ID: 992 4503 1795 One tap mobile: +13126266799,,99245031795# US (Chicago) Any phone: +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) Special Meetings:

  • Building Unity Youth weekly planning meetings for the 5/20 Youth Building Unity Summit in Madison, WI. RSVP here. Mondays at 7:00 pm.

  • Building Unity weekly drop-in planning meeting for July “All People’s Summit” - Tuesdays at 7:00 pm.

Monthly Building Unity Meetings:

  • Core Team meeting (Steering Committee) - First Wed. of the Month 8:30 am (May 3)

  • Monthly Evening “Drop-in” meeting - Second Tues of the Month - 7:00 pm (Tonight!)



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