Dear Partner in Justice,
Building Unity is seeking partners to endorse both our next action (4/20 Legalize Cannabis Press Conference), but also the whole series of actions, events, holidays, and solidarity opportunities that we believe will help us to build momentum towards a stronger united movement that will make life a bit more manageable for all of us. Please, read on. Imagine how much easier our work would be if we, as a united movement, made sure that all of our messages, purposes, callings, actions and visions for a more peaceful, just, and ecologically sane world were equally worked into a unified plan. What if instead of all doing our own things, we came together and created a plan that included all of us?! What if we took turns, showed up for each other, and together filled the halls of power with our own people?
Building Unity and partners like you are launching the Campaign for Love, Unity, and Equity(a placeholder name that can be changed at any time) and we know that we can’t do this without you.
A first draft of a timeline of movement momentum building can be viewed here: We hope that you will help us make sure that your group’s upcoming priorities are part of this shared evolving timeline.
Please help us to build momentum through this spring and into the summer by sharing this frequently updated flier wherever you go.
Please take this Doodle Poll to help us pick the best date for an early July Statewide All People’s Justice Summit where we will build a united statewide plan that will center the voices of these traditionally marginalized constituencies:
Immigrants and Refugees
People with disabilities
People with criminal records
Peace, Justice, Democracy, and Environmental Activists
And, give us to work together and build statewide, efficient and powerful unity.
Together we will forge a plan that will lead to a major shift in Wisconsin’s political climate.
As efficiently and quickly as possible, we, the people must make sure that the halls of power are filled with real compassionate humans - people who understand the essential need for comprehensive justice and a dramatic shift away from politics driven by big money, military domination, and fear. As a human family we must put our faith in a politics driven by our Commitment to Love, Unity, and Equity. It is time for all of us to get a CLUE - together
People, Peace, and Planet over Profit!
Please call me if you’d like to speak at our press conference this Thursday (4/20 at noon.)
Lastly, and again, please let us promote your great work and add it to our momentum building flier.
Timothy Cordon 608-630-3633 What might be possible if our state's greatest grassroots leaders for peace, justice, sustainability, and/or democracy came together and committed themselves to creating a united plan - a plan for a dramatic shift - "a great turning" towards a peaceful, compassionate, and livable world. What if we, the people of Wisconsin drafted them to do this? Perhaps other states and nations would follow suit. It is time for humanity to get a CLUE.* Time is running out and we are the ones that we have been waiting for. * Learn more about the Campaign for Love, Unity, and Equity. Sign up for updates here: