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Urgent Action Alerts and events this week of Nov. 5th from Madison Rafah Sister City Project


Call the White House and Tell President Biden that you demand a ceasefire and don’t want your tax dollars funding genocide. Call 202-456-1111 every day this week

And be sure to follow MRSCP on Facebook for updates on events, news and analysis. Events may be called on short notice. ********************************************************************************** MARK YOUR CALENDARS: Annual Fair Trade Holiday Festival Saturday, Dec. 2, 8 am - 3 pm, Monona Terrace. MRSCP, Palestine Partners and Madison Playgrounds for Palestine will once again be selling our fair trade Palestinian products...or at least those which we are able to obtain during the current war. Interested in volunteering at our tables? Please reply to. Madison-Rafah Sister-City Proj<>

And And... Musical Resource: Rise Up BDS Mix Tape Volume 2 is available.

UPCOMING EVENTS DETAILS Tuesday, Nov. 7: Law School Panel on "International Law and Humanitarianism in the Israel/Gaza Conflict" Featuring Marwa Shalaby, Kevin Kelly, Helen Kinsella and Alexandra Huneeus 4:30 - 6:30 pm, 7200 Lubar Commons, UW-Madison More information here. Open to the public. Wednesday, Nov. 8: Green Olive Collective Emergency West Bank Online Fundraiser 12 Noon CT Another session of "Solidarity Speaks" focusing on the ethnic cleansing happening in the West Bank. Speakers are Ali Awad from Tuba and Awdah Hathaleen from Um Al Khair, two long standing advocates against the expropriation of Palestinian land in Masafer Yatta and for the collective rights of their communities in Area C. This is an emergency fundraiser for Palestinian communities in Area C defending their lands from military incursions, settler militias, and displacement. Complete information and registration link here. Wednesday, Nov. 8:

Climate Justice Alliance presents a Teach-in: Free Palestine is a Climate Justice Issue 5 pm CT. More information and registration link here. Sunday, Nov. 12:

World Beyond War Presents a program on peace in Ukraine, including the link to Palestine/ The Crossing, 1127 University Avenue, Madison 6-9 pm Panelists: Andrew Kydd – UW-Madison Professor of Political Science: “I am in favor of US support for Ukraine’s war effort against Russia.” David Swanson – World BEYOND War International Director: “When you're deep in a hole the first thing to do is stop killing people.” Samer Alatout - UW-Madison Professor of Community & Environmental Sociology: “The war on Ukraine cannot be understood in isolation, it is one node in wars over the details of a new world order. The same thing can be said about the war on Palestine. They are inseparable, they fit the same narrative.” After the panel, there will be food, drinks, and a pro-peace art showcase of stirring music and poetry. Taiko drummers, Mennonite acapella singers, poets, and piano, fiddle and horn players will perform on the theme "Peace Through Empathy." More information here. ACTION ALERTS! CALLING GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS FIRST, Call Sen. Tammy Baldwin to demand that she support a ceasefire and not send more military aid to Israel. DC office: (202) 224-5653 Madison office: (608) 264-5338 Milwaukee office: (414) 297-4451 (You can also get numbers to call Sen. Ron Johnson here; leave a message, they seldom answer the phone.) Second, contact your representative to oppose the $14 billion supplemental military aid bill to Israel. All details are in this alert from American Muslims for Palestine. Call them here. Or if they represent YOU, call direct: Pocan at 202-225-2906 DC; Gwen Moore at 202-225-4572 DC. THIRD call Senator Bernie Sanders There is a national campaign by Jewish Voice for Peace, MPower Action and others to get Sanders to introduce a resolution to call for a ceasefire, which he still has not done.

Call and tell Bernie Sanders (202) 224-5141: We want a #CeasefireNOW Have X/Twitter? Retweet our message to Bernie here! FOURTH, Call the White House and Tell President Biden that you demand a ceasefire and don’t want your tax dollars funding genocide. Call 202-456-1111 every day this week

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