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The time to fight for our right to healthcare in Wisconsin is NOW!


Wisconsin is one of only a handful of states that has continued to reject additional funds from the federal government to expand Medicaid.

Expanding Medicaid will help more low income people access better health care. Learn more here.

In addition, we are facing an exacerbated healthcare crisis in which hundreds of thousands of Wisconsinites could lose Medicaid coverage that they have been able to continue due to the federal public health emergency (PHE). The PHE has required states to allow people to remain covered by Medicaid but efforts are underway to end this provision, resulting in catastrophic loss of coverage in our state. We should be moving forward together towards covering as many people in our state with the best access to healthcare possible, not going even one step back by allowing people to be removed from Medicaid. What can you do? Sign PPC's petition to the WI Joint Finance Committee TODAY And SHARE it out to all your contacts!* Plan to attend PPC's Healthcare Day of Action at Madison's statehouse Wednesday March 22, 10am more details to follow.

Fill out PPC's Get Involved form to connect with someone about finding a way to be involved that works for you * Share the petition with your friends, family, coworkers, congregations, and on social media. You can share the link or print a hard copy in English or en Español. If you collect hard copy signatures, please email to make a plan to get the pages delivered. Are you or do you know someone on Medicaid or excluded from Medicaid because you/they make too much money, because of immigration status or any other reason? Please get in touch with the campaign and learn how you can lend your voice and leadership to this fight! Email us at



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