The FAA is updating its noise policies. Will they hear from you? You can submit your stories online or by mail. Quiet Communities: Quiet American Skies has provided helpful tips on details to include. Action Alert from Vicki & Anne - for Safe Skies Clean Water WI
From: Quiet Communities <>
With the FAA under pressure to update its noise policies, it is extremely important for the FAA to hear your personal “lived experience” with aviation noise. The FAA has clearly stated that it will use the information it receives through public comments to inform its updated noise policy and metrics for determining “significant impact” and appropriate land use going forward. Submit online:
Details on submitting by fax and mail are below.
Deadline: September 29, 2023 at 11:59 PM ET, but we strongly encourage submitting well before the deadline
Here are some components to consider including:
Provide detailed, information-rich comments. The FAA states that “a constructive, information-rich comment that clearly communicates and supports its claims is more likely to have an impact on regulatory decision making.”
Characterize the problem
Types and number of flights (general aviation, commercial jets, helicopters, private jets, etc.)
Proximity to airport
Times of day of flights (day, night)
Frequency of flights (how many per day & how many per hour, esp. during the busiest times)
Altitude of flights (provide a range if known)
Experience of noise inside the home as well as outdoors
Concerns about emerging aircraft (e.g., drones, air taxis)
Describe the Impacts on you, your family, your neighborhood - PROVIDE SPECIFIC DETAILS
Sleep interruption and/or disruption
Physical and mental health and well-being
Emotional impacts
Work, learning, concentrating
Effects on children – their ability to learn, concentrate, play
Optional: Is the average annual sound level of 65 decibels (DNL 65) sufficient to protect you from the impacts you experience?
If you have tried to complain or get help:
What has been the response?
Was the response helpful
How did it make you feel?
What would you like to see done to mitigate the problem? EXTREMELY IMPORTANT: Conclude by stating that you hope and expect the FAA will adopt a new noise policy and new metrics that protect overflown communities and near-airport communities from harm based on the lived experience of people like you! The DEADLINE to send your comment is September 29, 2023 at 11:59 PM ET. To submit online, or by mail or fax: Submit online:
Mail to: Docket Operations, M–30; U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT), 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE, Room W12–140, West Building Ground Floor, Washington, DC 20590–0001.
Fax to: Docket Operations at 202–493–2251
Make sure your submission includes Docket Number FAA–2023–0855.
Thank you – Quiet American Skies, a program of Quiet Communities