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Please join our new list - Madison for a World BEYOND War

Hello friend of Madison War Abolition Walks!

Since April, we have held 22 walks in Madison to call for negotiations to end the war in Ukraine, and for war abolition.

We are moving to an email platform called Action Network. Please join if you want to get notices of our events in Madison. Of course, you can unsubscribe at any time. Join here!

How do you want to act here in Madison to oppose war and militarism?

We are planning to continue our war abolition walks this winter. We’re planning for walks downtown with a focus on visiting elected officials. We’ll be asking our Congressional representatives to stop showering the military with money, vote no to the proposed $37 billion more for the war in Ukraine, and push for negotiations to end the war. And we’ll ask city and state officials to halt F-35 warplanes coming to Truax.

Our October 14 action at Mark Pocan's office. Photo by Paul McMahon

We have become a chapter of the amazing international anti-war group World BEYOND War. Please check out World BEYOND War’s website to learn about this global movement to end all wars. We love their huge wealth of trainings, actions and resources. We’ve learned so much from web meetings with their board member Yurii Sheliazhenko, a brave Kyiv-based pacifist. In September, World BEYOND War awarded a War Abolisher Award to two Italian dock workers unions, Collettivo Autonomo Lavoratori Portuali (CALP) and Unione Sindacale di Base Lavoro Privato (USB), in recognition of their blocking of weapons shipments to a number of wars in recent years.

Can you join us, with World BEYOND War, to be part of a public presence here in Madison for war abolition?

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