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Building Unity Planning Programs for the Spring - throughout WI

Our Eight-week Tour for Justice and Democracy is Over! 4/4/23

Thank you to all of our local and statewide partners who made it all possible. Due to Covid, we missed one of the weekends, but we held seven summits and had tour stop events in ten different communities across Wisconsin. It is looking like all of our efforts will pay off and that we will have record voter turnout before this day is though. Thank you all for voting, for getting your community to vote, and for all that you do for justice and democracy.

April 5th, we are hosting two important next steps meetings:

  • The Monthly Building Unity first Wed. of the Month Core Team Meetin at 8:30 a.m. CT.

All are welcome. Even if you’ve never been to a Building Unity meeting and you are just curious, you are very welcome.

  • The next Youth and Young Adults and Allies planning meeting will be at 8:00 p.m. The young leaders of Building Unity and their allies are planning to hold a statewide in-person all-day summit on May 20th and by the end of tomorrow’s meeting we will have a location selected for this.

  • Both of these meetings can be accessed at the same Zoom link: Meeting ID: 992 4503 1795 Any phone: +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) Then, starting on Thursday April 6th, Building Unity will be closed for about 12 days. You can still reach out and we might even answer the mobile line, but we will be getting some much needed restorative time. We are in the beginning stages of developing our plans for building momentum for our united movement the rest of spring and into the summer. Please save these dates and help us to build towards our statewide summer solidarity summit in early July. Please help us pick the best of the following dates for this summit: July 1, 2, 8, and/or 9 (please select all of these dates that could work for your or another member of your team, by taking this .Doodle Poll Our tentative timeline of building unity towards this summit is as follows:

Solidarity, Timothy Cordon 608-630-3633

Our next meetings: Special Meetings:

  • Tomorrow April 5 -Youth, Young Adults & Allies - 8:00pm.

  • Youth Mobilization Meetings - 2nd and 4thM ondays - 7:00 pm via Zoom Youth, Young Adults, & Allies Welcome. RSVP here.

Monthly Building Unity Meetings:

  • Core Team meeting (Steering Committee) - First Wed. of the Month 8:30 am (April 5)

  • General Evening Meeting - April 11th evening meeting is cancelled do to Building Unity Vacation.

Same Zoom link for all of our meetings: Meeting ID: 992 4503 1795 One tap mobile: +13126266799,,99245031795# US (Chicago) Any phone: +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)



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