Yesterday, Congressional leaders unveiled a spending bill that, beginning in April, would strip Medicaid coverage from millions of people—including hundreds of thousands here in Wisconsin. (Dec 20,2022)
Read: “Millions to lose Medicaid coverage under Congress’ plan,” Associated Press
Rather than wait for the Covid-19 Public Health Emergency to expire, the provision in the spending bill—which is expected to be on President Biden’s desk by Friday—eliminates extra federal funding and the requirement that states keep people on Medicaid, regardless of changes in income or other status.
Coming off a pandemic in which it was estimated that 330,000 people in the US lost their lives for lack of a universal healthcare system, this is an outrageous and cruel attack, specifically targeted at poor and low-wealth people.
Take Action: Stop the Medicaid cutoffs — Healthcare is a Human Right!
Join us *today* by calling Wisconsin Senators and Congresspeople and leaving the following message:
“Healthcare is a human right! Take action to remove the provision in the federal spending bill that would kick millions of people off of Medicaid.”
Sen. Tammy Baldwin: (202) 224-5653
Sen. Ron Johnson: (202) 224-5323
After taking action, email us back at to let us know!