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Action Alert - from Worker Justice Wisconsin

Last month, the MMSD School Board in Madison voted to give $5/hr raises to educational assistants, clerical staff, security, and food service, but not our 200+ custodial, maintenance, and grounds workers.

Excluding these short-staffed, already underpaid employees from such a significant wage increase is unfair. It devalues the dedicated staff who remain in these positions and step up to shoulder the load, knowing that they could leave and be better off working somewhere else, as the district is unable to attract people to fill all of the open positions in our schools.

Please sign on to send this letter to the Madison Metropolitan School Board asking to include them in the raise.

Contact: Rebecca Meier-Rao


1602 S. Park St. #116, Madison, WI 53715

We are a non-profit organization that focuses on the education and empowerment of workers and laborers. We help ensure fairness, dignity and equality in the workplace through collective action and education.

Wisconsin Network for Peace and Justice | PO Box 727 Madison, WI 53701 
Voicemail: 715-600-2766 | Email:
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