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WNPJ member groups have events and Action Alerts for the week of APril 8th!


Updated: Apr 7, 2024

WNPJ + Action Alert – Save our Water! + and,SAVE the Date May 18th for a WNPJ annual mtg + JustDane celebrates its 50th + Rachel Corrie Remembrance Event + Cassandra is going to Gaza + other statewide events


The WI Network for Peace and Justice is the umbrella non-profit organization

supporting the work of 85 member groups around Wisconsin. 



This is a critical moment: President Biden’s administration has the power to weigh in on a pivotal decision that could protect the Great Lakes for generations to come. CLICK HERE to urge him to take a stand and support the Bad River Band.

In solidarity, Britnie Remer - 350 Wisconsin Fossil Fuel Organizer - 


SAVE the DATE: Saturday May 18th  early afternoon for WNPJ’s Annual Spring Meeting  up North as well as virtual watch-parties in Appleton, Milwaukee, Madison and maybe more….

The WNPJ Spring Steering Committee Meeting is coming up in May, meant for contacts of our 85 member groups, plus interested members. The purpose of this annual Spring meeting is to set our goals and vision for the year ahead, with input from our member groups.  We’ll be listening, as our group contacts report on what their groups are doing “Reports from the Field” …and how we can work together for more impact on issues that unite us.  We’ll be choosing a nominating committee for Board members, too, at this meeting – and we’ll have a program.  Our 2024 theme will be  Environmental Justice - confronting extreme extraction and ending resource wars (on Indigenous and Frontline People).

Watch for registration materials and meeting time and places. We’ll be sending out a list of member groups by region – so you can find others who may want to gather near you for a WNPJ virtual event on the 18th! WNPJ can supply these gatherings with some funds for treats!  Let us know if you’re having a gathering!


WNPJ has hired two new people in contract positions to assist our all-volunteer communications team!

Meet Tom Boswell – coordinating the Spring newsletter for WNPJ. Tom is a long-time Wisconsin activist working on Safe Skies WI. The newsletter deadline is yet tbd. If you have anything to submit, send it to and we’ll forward it Tom’s way!

Meet Britnie Remer – She will share her skills in the areas of social media and graphic design, plus event planning ….as we work toward Economic Justice in our state. 




 SPOTLIGHT on WNPJ member group JustDane!

Did you know?! JustDane's 50th Anniversary event is April 11th!

Father Boyle of Homeboy Industries will be presenting at our celebration! Their work in Los Angeles corresponds with the work JustDane has been doing in Dane County. Come hear about their amazing contributions to supporting the people in their community and helping build a safer community!

6 – 8:30 pm at the Madison College Mitby Theater in Madison.

We look forward to celebrating this milestone with our supporters, volunteers and the community! Order tickets here:


And, on Gaza…..

MADISON Sun Apr 14, 1:30 – 3:30 pm  Remembering Rachel Corrie event. At Christ Presbyterian Church, 944 E. Gorham St.

Free & open to all, donations to the Middle East Children’s Alliance welcome.

Join Madison Rafah Sister City Project for Madison's annual event honoring the life of Rachel Corrie, a 23-year-old peace activist from Olympia, WA who was crushed to death in Rafah on March 16, 2003 by a US-made Caterpillar armored D-9 bulldozer driven by an Israeli soldier as she stood against the demolition of a Palestinian home. 

As Israel crushes the lives of millions in Gaza, we believe that Rachel’s wish now would be that we do all in our power to end the genocide in Palestine. The event will include readings from Rachel’s writings, a video message from her parents Craig and Cindy, and time to write and call congress and the White House to demand an immediate and permanent ceasefire, opening of Gaza to unlimited and adequate humanitarian aid, and an end to US support of the Israeli military. Music by Ensemble Shamaali, featuring the oud, drum and flute. Desserts and beverages will be served. Palestinian crafts, olive oil & olive oil soap will be available for purchase, as will children's books about Palestine and books by and about Rachel Corrie. m/events/371565802454413/?ref=newsfeed 


Cassandra Dixon, contact for Palestine Partners and Mary House is going to Gaza on an aid flotilla, leaving next week. Cassandra writes:

If you would like to donate towards the cost of this travel,  you can mail a check to me at Cassandra Dixon, 3579 County Road G, Wisconsin Dells, WI 53965, or donate via GoFUndMe by clicking the button below, or at, or Venmo me @Cassandra-Dixon-11 . Anything raised above the costs of travel will go to the larger costs of funding the flotilla. Contribute here.  Thanks and love, - Cassandra



WNPJ member group events….

MADISON Mon Apr 8, 12 noon – 1 pm Monday Noon Vigil for Peace – Meet at the corner of MLK, Jr. Blvd and Doty St. For more information, call Tim at 608-630-3633.  

MADISON Mon Apr 8, 5:30 pm Antiwar Film Series: Screening of John Pilger's The Coming War with China. Central Library, Rm 302, 201 W. Mifflin St. Sponsored by Veterans for Peace #25 - World Beyond War Madison. Contact: Bradley Geyer 

MILWAUKEE POTLUCK Dinner Mon Apr 8, 6 – 9 pm Potluck and  "All People's Forum". At Zao MKE Church - 2319 E. Kenwood. Join Building Unity for the 7th Wisconsin State Senate District Democracy Tour Stop. At this and each of our 35 + Tour Stops, local activists and leaders will host a community forums on the existential issues of our time: PEACE, JUSTICE, SUSTAINABILITY, & DEMOCRACY. All are welcome to participate, share information, and learn about the next steps for our movement to grow our UNITY & PEOPLE POWER. Tour Schedule is still in formation but the current form can be found here: This schedule, our Tour Stop Facebook event pages, and our website - - will all be updated with information about the tour as it becomes available. Volunteers are needed at all of the stops across Wisconsin! Help us make this tour what it needs to be - a massive wake-up call, a call to action, and an opportunity to collaborate and organize with the other groups and individuals in our area. And, of course, we will do all that we can to make sure that Wisconsinites are registered and ready to vote! To help or for more information, call Building Unity at 608-630-3633.


MADISON Tues Apr 9, 8 am – 5 pm The WI Idea Conference! - hosted by the Morgridge Center for Public Service. UW-Madison, Union South (1308 W. Dayton) This year’s theme, ”Community University Partnerships for Stronger Communities, intends to build understanding and highlight examples of robust community university partnerships, while also increasing capacity for such partnerships and strengthening bridges between UW and Wisconsin communities. This event is great for community-oriented academics, as well as community members in the public or nonprofit sector. Breakfast and lunch included. To register and for more info, visit: Wisconsin Idea Conference – Morgridge Center for Public Service – UW–Madison   Sent to WNPJ by Madison Infoshop 

VIRTUAL Tues Apr 9, 7 pm  UNA USA Dane County Monthly Meeting:  Dr. Ryan Westergaard, MD, PhD, MPH on “Vaccines and Public Health: Past, Present and Future”.  Dr. Westergaard serves as Chief Medical Officer, and State Epidemiologist for Communicable Diseases, Wisconsin Department of Health. This free virtual presentation will address vaccines and public health, exploring the past present and future. The intersection of public health and the health of the community, lessons learned and how we must pivot and change in our approach to health care will be discussed.  Zoom link: . Learn more about UNA USA Dane County:

MADISON Tues Apr 9, 4:30 – 6 pm Madison Community Event Addressing Youth and Gun Violence. At the Lussier Community Education Center.  Madison high schoolers will be leading an event to address the gun violence that has taken the lives of their family and peers. We are calling on you to please help promote this event so these high schoolers feel that their voices are being heard! Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns. Jonah Frumkin -  || 202-695-0615


MADISON Tues Apr 9, 7 pm Screening of the movie: The War at Home, with director Glenn Silber. Wisconsin Historical Society, 816 State St. Part of the Waging Peace in Vietnam series of events. 


MADISON and MILWAUKEE Wed Apr 10, 7 pm Screening of the movie:  Sir! No Sir! with director David Zeiger. Wisconsin Historical Society, 816 State St. Part of the Waging Peace in Vietnam series of events.  Join this event live-streamed from the Raynor Library meeting site at Marquette University in Milwaukee.

MILWAUKEE Thurs Apr 11, 9 am – 12:30 pm United Nations Schools of International Learning (UNSIL) WORLD FAIR. At the Baird Center, 400 W. Wisconsin Avenue. Sponsored by the Milwaukee Public Schools Foundation. Click on the following link to be a volunteer for this event. Interact and learn with MPS 4th – 8th-grade students as they present on nearly 1,500 research projects about the member countries, organs, cultures, and goals of the United Nations.  Our young people are excited to share their work with you! The UNSIL program is presented in partnership with the Annette J. Roberts & Joan R. Robertson Fund for World Peace, World Law, and Peace Education at the Greater Milwaukee Foundation. For more information, contact Annette Robertson at: (email) or 414.332.3303 (phone) .  Sent to WNPJ by UNA USA Milwaukee -  

MADISON and VIRTUAL Thurs Apr 11, 7 – 8:30 pm WI Faith Voices for Justice Interfaith Intersection event - ”Fasting and Self-denial”. Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, 5701 Raymond Rd. This program brings people together to hold intentional conversations on a variety of topics related to faith. An important aspect of this program is that our panelists are lay people, not clergy or academics. Therefore, panelists will address the topics speaking from their own understanding of their faith but not speaking for their faith. Please volunteer if you're interested in being a panelist. Please join us.

·         May 9 - forgiveness - person to person; person to God; at the Bahai Center, 324 W Lakeside St, Madison

·         Sept. 12 - what is your faith’s "high holy day" - location TBD

·         Oct. 17 - cycle of times/seasons in different traditions; location TBD

·         Nov. 14 - giving thanksSugar River United Methodist Church, 415 W Verona Ave, Verona


LaCROSSE Thurs Apr 11, 12 noon - 12:30 pm Weekly Women in Black Peace Vigil. Meet at Main St & 4th Street South. A weekly vigil for peace every Thursday. Contact Deborah. 

VIROQUA Thurs Apr 11, 2 – 3 pm GAZA! Presentation & Community conversation about the current catastrophe and its origins. At the Vernon County Historical Society, 410 S Center Ave. Sponsored by Driftless Palestinian Solidarity 

MILWAUKEE Fri Apr 12,6:30 pm  Potluck and Film  "The War on Cuba". At Peace Action WI, Zao MKE Church, East Kenwood Boulevard. 

MILWAUKEE Sat Apr 13, 12 noon - 1 pm Peace Action WI - Weekly STAND for PEACE: 51st and Silver Spring. Each Saturday, a different location.  Join us. Bring your signs. 

VIROQUA Sat Apr 13, 11 am - 12 noon Driftless Palestinian Solidarity Weekly Vigil. Meet at Decker and Main. Action Alert: The Driftless Palestinian Solidarity group has a petition to demand that Senators Tammy Baldwin and Ron Johnson support a permanent ceasefire in Gaza and end financial aid to Israel's military.  If your group is interested in getting signatures, please email Thank you for your help! 

RACINE Sat Apr 13, 12:30 – 1:30 pm Weekly Stand for Peace. At NW corner of Highways 31 and 20. Park in the SW corner of the Kohl's parking lot, near the AT&T store. Supported by the Racine Coalition for Peace and Justice. We have signs, banners and flags available for all. Check out our website,    for weather concerns. Free Palestine!

VERONA Sat Apr 13, 1-2:30 pm The Dine' and Uranium Presentation with Omie Baldwin and Cathy Middlecamp. Farley Center, 2299 Spring Rose Road. Register to This presentation is co-sponsored with the Physicians for Social Responsibility Wisconsin. Presenter: Omie Baldwinis retired as the Student Service emerita in the University Counseling and consultation Service/University Health Services at UW-Madison. As a counselor and as an enrolled member of the Navajo Nation, she and her colleague, Cathy Middlecamp, designed and taught the course "Uranium and American Indians. The first chemistry course, to meet the campus wide ethnic studies requirement. She is past board member of the Farley Center. Presenter: Cathy Middlecamp is professor emerita in the Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies and an affiliate of the Department of Chemistry. From 2015 to 2020, she also served as the director for education and research at the Office of Sustainability. Her scholarship lies at the intersection of science, people, and the planet. For her teaching and work bringing science to the general public, she has received awards at the local, state, and national levels. As a professor, she sought to engage students in learning chemistry in real-world contexts, including chemistry that related to radioactive substances.

MADISON Sun Apr 14, 1:30 – 3:30 pm  Remembering Rachel Corrie event. At Christ Presbyterian Church, 944 E. Gorham St. Free & open to all….see more in the Spotlight above….


MADISON and MILWAUKEE Sun Apr 14, 7 pm Screening of the movie: The Whistleblower of My Lai, documentary on the Kronos Quartet’s making of the opera My Lai, plus live performance by Vanessa Vo, Kronos Quartet soloist. traditional Vietnamese instruments. Wisconsin Historical Society, 816 State St. Part of the Waging Peace in Vietnam series of events. Join this event live-streamed from the Raynor Library meeting site at Marquette University in Milwaukee.



Join WNPJ!WNPJ welcomes individual members and groups!

For individuals, join at a sliding scale rate of $35/year – or whatever fits your budget!

For between $50 - $75/year, a WNPJ membership keeps your group connected with peace and justice efforts and helps keep the Network going - and growing!

We help our member organizations reach a wider audience by amplifying your peace and justice events and actions on our listserve and Facebook page. Membership also provides access to our community tabling opportunities, our online toolbox of peace and justice resources, and a community that cares about your peace and justice journey.



Here's an opportunity for WNPJ member groups!

WNPJ member groups can sign up for a Saturday opportunity to TABLE at the Dane County Farmers Market – this Spring and summer at the Capitol Square. The Farmers Market opening date is April 13th – 7 am to 1 pm …and runs through Nov. 9th on Saturdays.

Bring your own table and hand-outs to the King Street corner of the Square, site #10, next to the VFP #25 table! You can't sell anything at the non-profit table, but donations to your group are acceptable.

Questions? Contact


If your group would like to get your events posted in the weekly e-bulletin – JOIN US!


Join WNPJ – 


Interested in a yard sign? WNPJ has yard signs available!

See our new Facebook page: 

"Like" us and follow us!

Questions? Contact




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